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Peace of mind with Franke's quality and warranty

Franke products are built to last. From our commitment to using only the finest quality materials to the state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques we employ, we have absolute confidence in every product in our range.

High Flow Warranty Registration

Guarantee claims

To make an installed product warranty claim please contact Franke using this CONTACT US FORM or at the provided contact information below. Please ensure you provide us with the following information to avoid any unnecessary delay. 

  • 1. Proof of purchase from Franke or Franke Authorized Retailer.
  • 2. Original purchaser’s name, address (included city, province,postal code), email address and  phone number.
  • 3. Franke model number.
  • 4. Date of installation.
  • 5. Description of the defect.
  • 6. Photos of the defect    


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