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Aarburg, 2022-03-17

Christoph Hammer strengthens the Board of Directors of the Artemis Group

On March 16, 2022, the Board of Directors of the Artemis Group appointed a new member: Christoph Hammer is a financial expert with many years of international management experience.

On March 16, 2022, the Board of Directors of the Artemis Group appointed a new member: Christoph Hammer is a financial expert with many years of international management experience.

With the election of Christoph Hammer, the Board of Directors of Artemis Holding AG is expanded to six members. The 51-year-old will enrich the board primarily with his financial expertise. He has experience in various industries, for example industrial and consumer goods, transportation and infrastructure. His focus is on sustainable corporate development, increasing value creation and solving complex problems. Hammer is an independent consultant and served most recently as Group CFO and member of the Group Executive Board at SBB AG. Prior to that, he spent around nine years with the Hilti Group, most recently as Head of Global Group Controlling. Before that, he was Associated Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers and CFO at Starbucks Coffee Company in Switzerland and Austria. Christoph Hammer is Swiss and studied Business Administration at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, majoring in Finance and Marketing.

Michael Pieper, President/CEO Artemis Group, is pleased with the new impulses Christoph Hammer will bring to the Artemis Group Board of Directors: "Christoph Hammer convinced us above all with his financial expertise and entrepreneurial thinking. He also has many years of international management experience in very different areas and will ideally complement the Board of Directors with his broad wealth of experience and open-mindedness." 

Christoph Hammer

Christoph Hammer was appointed to the Board of Directors of Artemis Holding AG on March 16, 2022.

Artemis VR Christoph Hammer

About Artemis Group

The Artemis Group includes the Franke Group, the Artemis Real Estate Group (real estate portfolio in Switzerland and abroad), the majority holding in the Feintool Group (world market leader in fineblanking technology) and the Artemis Asset Management Group (various strategic shareholdings in international companies listed on the Swiss stock market and in private companies). The Group employs more than 11,000 people worldwide and generated consolidated sales of some CHF 3,3 billion in 2021.
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