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Terms & Conditions


All quotations issued and orders received are subject to these Conditions of Sales and no alterations shall take effect unless confim,ed in writing by KWC DVS Limited, (here in after referred to as "the Seller"). No terms, condition or warranty not recorded herein shall be binding on the Seller, except where such is necessarily imported into the contract under any Statute or at Common Law. 


(i) Errors and omissions are subject to correction 

(ii) Unless otherwise stated in writing, prices charged would be those ruling at the date of the order being received by the company. 

(iiiI) Unless otherwise specified, prices include for the supply and delivery only of the goods but not for their off-loading, positioning and installation.

(iv) All prices shown are subject to VAT at the standard rate. Prices are correct at the time of printing but are subject to alteration without prior notification. 


(i) In respect of an initial order and whenever else specified by the Seller, the Buyer shall pay the Seller in full as a condition precedent to despatching the goods. In all other cases, payment must be made in full by no later than 30 days from the date of the invoice 

(ii) Where payment is not received by the due date, the Seller reserves the right to charge interest on outstanding amounts for each month or part of any month that payment is overdue, at the rate of 1 ½per cent per month, or part thereof, and/ or at the Seller's option to suspend all deliveries of all goods to the Buyer. 

(iii) Should the Seller be prevented by the Buyer from effecting delivery on the due date, the full price of the goods shall become payable as if the goods had been delivered. 


Payment can be made by BACS transfer or cheque at no extra charge. Payment by credit/debit card will be processed with an additional 2.5% handling charge. Any re-represented or dishonoured cheque will be charged an administration fee of £10.


(i) Any time expressed for delivery shall be deemed to be an estimate only, time not being of the essence for the contract unless separately agreed to in writing by the Seller. The Seller accepts no liability for any loss sustained by the Buyer through late delivery and further where a time for delivery has been agreed but delivery is delayed for any reason beyond the control of the Seller, a reasonable extension of time shall be allo1Ned to the Seller. 

(ii) Where working drawings have to be approved by either the Buyer or his agent then the estimated delivery period is to be applied from the date of receipt in writing by the Seller of this approval 

(iii) Where a time for delivery is agreed and the Buyer fails for whatever reason to accept the delivery, a minimum charge of £25 will be incurred and the Seller reserves the right to make a reasonable charge for storage. Should delivery not be possible after one week's delay the Seller shall be entitled to submit his invoice and the normal conditions of payment will apply. 

(iv) The Buyer shall provide adequate labour and unloading facilities at the place of delivery at his own risk and expense. 

(v) If advance notice of the approximate arrival time of the delivery vehicle is required this must be stated on the order. UK Mainland and Northern Ireland - Normal standard product consignments* will be delivered next day without a delivery charge. Orders less than £100 net value, excluding VAT, will incur a delivery charge of £10. Consignments above this value, deliveries of specially fabricated products or particularly large orders may require special transport and KWC DVS reserve the right to charge as necessary. 

(vii) An additional charge will normally be made for packing and delivery outside the mainland of the United Kingdom. 

(viii) Any special delivery arrangements by passenger train, carriers or similar requests by the Buyer will be charged at cost 


UK Mainland and Northern Ireland

Composite Units – POA

All other items:
Small Package (max. 1metre on any one side and up to 25kg) @ £5.50
Medium Package (max. 1.5metre on any one side and up to 25kg) @ £15.00 
Pallet @ £55.00 

Republic of Ireland

Composite Units – POA

All other items:
Small Package (max. 1metre on any one side and up to 25kg) @ £10.50
Medium Package (max. 1.5metre on any one side) @ £30.00
Pallet @ £80.00

Channel Islands and Scottish Islands - POA

Special Deliveries

The Seller reserves the right to charge as necessary for special or timed deliveries (including Saturdays), made at the request of the Buyer. Deliveries that cannot be completed due to the fault of the Buyer will be chargeable.


(i) Only products that meet the following criteria, will be considered for return by prior agreement

  • Less than 30 days old (from invoice date) 
  • In its original packaging 
  • In a resalable condition 
  • A current product shown in the latest published copy of our sales catalogue 

(ii) A restocking charge of 35% of the original invoice value will be applied. 

(iii) Any goods authorised for restocking must be returned at the customer's expense and risk. Any goods received back damaged will not be credited 

(iv) An Authorisation to return goods needs to be issued by KWC DVS before any goods will be accepted. KWC DVS reserve the right to refuse a restocking request. 

(v) Non-standard products cannot be accepted for return. 


Special item orders cannot be cancelled. The Seller will invoice the full amount whether or not the product is still required. Once goods have been delivered they are not in any circumstances returnable without the Seller’s agreement in writing.


(i) The Seller's responsibility ends with the arrival of goods at the designated delivery point. The Seller is not liable for any damage or loss during unloading or thereafter. 

(ii) The Buyer or his agent should examine goods on arrival and details of any damage or loss entered on the Carrier's note. 

(iiiI) In the event of non-arrival, damage or shortage of goods, no claim will be accepted unless notification is given to the Seller in writing within 7 days from the date of the Seller's invoice. 

(iv) Damaged goods will not be replaced or repaired if they have been used or installed. 


(i) Title to each item of the goods supplied by the Seller remains vested in the Seller until the purchase price and all other monies owing by the Buyer in relation to those goods or the price (whether or not due) are paid in full. 

(ii) In addition, and without prejudice to sub-condition (i) above, title to goods supplied by the Seller remains vested in the Seller until such time as there are no monies owing by the Buyer to the Seller on any account {whether or not due). 

(iii) Not withstanding this reseivation of title the Buyer may resell any goods in the ordinary course of business which remains the property of the Seller, in which event the Buyer shall remit the proceeds of sale to the Seller and in such a way that they are kept separate and are readily identifiable. 

(iv) The Seller shall be entitled (but not obliged) at any time to recover and dispose of any goods to which it has retained title under this clause and the Buyer will be deemed to have granted to the Seller an irrevocable licence, for so long as any monies shall remain owing to the Seller to enter the Buyer's premises to inspect and recover any such goods. 

(v) The Buyer agrees to undertake in respect of all goods that remain the property of the Seller.

(a) To store the same in such a way that they are readily identifiable as the property of the Seller

(b) To insure the same to their full value

(c) To hold the same in all respects as bailee for the Seller

(vi) Where the property in the goods has not passed, the Seller may nevertheless maintain an action against the Buyer for the purchase prices and all other monies then owing to the Company in relation to the goods notwithstanding Section 49 of the Sales of Goods Act 1979. 

(vii) If the Seller repossesses or resells its goods is shall credit the Buyer in the Seller's accounts (in each case after deduction of all expenses of recovery and/or sale) with the lesser of (i) the net value or proceeds of sale {as the Seller may elect) of the goods and (ii) the invoiced price {excluding value added tax) to the Buyer of the goods. (viii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Condition B(i) and B(ii) above the goods shall be at the risk of the Buyer from the time when they are tendered for the delivery at an agreed destination or are available for collection by the Buyer or cease to be in the Seller's possession and in particular when they are delivered into the possession or custody of a carrier, forwarding agent, warehouseman or other bailee or agent for the purposes of transmission whether or not such person contracts with or is instructed by the Seller or Buyer. 


All drawings by the Seller shall remain the Seller's property and copyright, and therefore must not be wholly or partially used or copied without the Seller's written permission.


Illustrations and dimensions, in the Seller's catalogue or documents, although correct in general detail, do not constitute a sale by description. The Seller's policy is one of continuing improvement and the Seller reserves the right to vary or modify the design, specification, or surface finish without notice, unless INl"itten undertaking has been given to the contrary. 


Where the goods supplied by the Seller are of the Seller's design and manufacture the Seller will make good any defects in those goods subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing at the Seller’s address, KWC DVS Ltd, 14 Napier Court, Gander Lane, Barlborough Link Business Park, Barlborough S43 4PZ within 7 days of the date of delivery. 

(ii) The Seller shall be provided with an adequate opportunity to examine the goods. 

(iii) The Seller shall not be obliged to replace any goods or make any allowances or other arrangement if, in the reasonable opinion of the Seller, the defect has arisen from accident, misuse, neglect, installation, lack of reasonable maintenance, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Seller. 

(iv) Where the defect is reasonably attributed to the fault of the Seller, the Seller shall replace or repair the defective goods, but shall not be liable for any costs of removal of the defective goods, or installation of replacement goods, nor any consequential loss or damage arising there from. 

(v) The Seller will not accept any charges for remedial work that is carried out without his express authority and approval. 

(vi) The Seller's liability shalt be limited to the repair or replacement of materials and components manufactured by the Seller. No goods are guaranteed by the Seller for any specific length of time but are warranted to be free from defect in \oVOrkmanship and materials at time of delivery. No liability can be accepted in respect of products that have become defective due to contact with corrosive liquids such as strong bleaching solutions and fluids, photographic developing liquids, immersion type silver cleaning fluids and the like that are injurious to stainless steel. 

(vii) Where goods and components supplied by the Seller are not of the Seller's design and manufacture, the Seller's liability shall be limited to the guarantee provided by the manufacturer of such goods and components. 

(viii) The Seller shall not be under any duty arising from Section 11 of these Conditions of Sale if the Buyer is in breach of any provision of the Contract with the Seller until the Buyer has remedied the breach. 


The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against al1 damages, penalties, costs and expenses to which the Seller may be liable if any work done in accordance with the Buyer's specification infringes any third party property right .


(i) All warning data sheets, diagrams and other information as to the construction, assembly use, storage or disposal of the goods made available to the Buyer before, at the time of, or after the time of supply of the goods to the Buyer shall be supplied by the Buyer to any person to whom the Buyer supplies the goods or any product in which the goods are incorporated and the Buyer shall impose a similar requirement on such person. The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller in full against all liabilities costs claims demands and expenses resulting from any failure by any person other than the Seller to make such warnings data sheets, diagrams and other infonnation available to any other person 

(ii) Where an indication as to time limits for the use of the goods has been supplied to the Buyer shall procure that all persons into whose hands the goods may come are aware of such time limits and shall not supply the goods after such time limits have been exceeded.

(iii) The Buyer will notify the Seller of any intended application of the goods other than that contemplated in the infonnation referred to in sub-section (i) above so as to enable the Seller to verify that the goods will be safe for use in such application.


If the Buyer commits any breach of these conditions, or if in the opinion of the Seller, the financial standing of the Buyer becomes unsatisfactory, the Seller may, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, terminate this contract and any other contract with the Buyer. The Seller shall also be entitled to require immediate payments for all goods delivered. In the event of termination under the provisions of this clause the Seller shall be relieved of all liability under this contract and any other contract so terminated. 


In the event of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostility (whether war has been declared or not). civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped powers, the Seller shall be relieved of liabilities incurred under the contract whatsoever and to the extent to which fulfilment of such obligations is presented, frustrated or impeded as a consequence of any such events or by status, rules, regulations, order or requisition issued by any Government Department, Council, or duly constituted authority, or from strikes, lock-outs, breakdown of plant or any other causes (whether or not like nature) beyond the Seller's control.


(i) All contracts entered into by the Seller shall be subject to English Law. 

(ii) In the event of any dispute between the parties the same shall be submitted to an appropriate arbitrator selected by the Seller. 


(i) Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('Data Subject') as defined in the applicable Data Protection law

(ii) Personal data will be gathered, processed and used by KWC in compliance with the applicable Data Protection law and all of our employees, KWC Group AG companies and third party service providers who have access to personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of the personal data. 

(iii) In the event that KWC is provided with and receives personal data via the Customer or a point of sale for such purpose describe above, KWC is an independent controller under applicable data protection law.

(iv) KWC collects personal data when the Customer submits it to us, through registration, completion of forms or e-mails, as part of an order for products or services, after-sale support for products or services, inquiries or requests about products being ordered and similar situations in which the data subject has chosen to provide the information to KWC or via a point of sale to KWC. 

(v) Some personal data provided (name, address, phone number and email address) will be processed by KWC for marketing, advertising or promoting purposes. We assume that this is of mutual interest for our Customer and for the Data Subject to maintain a good business relationship and the respective Data Subject can object to the processing of his/her data for this purpose at any time without giving reasons by contacting KWC.

(vi) Some of the personal data provided may be stored or processed in other jurisdictions, such as the United States, whose Data Protection laws may differ from this jurisdiction. In such cases, KWC ensures that appropriate protections are in place to require the data processor in that country to maintain protections on the personal data that are equivalent to those that apply in the country of KWC.

(vii) The Customer is obliged to inform any point of sale and its end-users that it complies with applicable Data Protection law and personal data will be processed by KWC according to the terms and limitation set forth in this Clause. The Customer shall, without limitation, defend, hold harmless and indemnify KWC in the event of damage that is attributable to the Customer's transferring of personal data or in breach of applicable Data Protection law.  


(i) Any notice to be given under these conditions may be delivered by hand, or sent by first class post, addressed to the party to be served at its registered office for the time being or (if not a company) the address for the party giving the notice. Notices served by post shall (except where expressly provided otherwise) be deemed served on the second business day after the date of posting, 'business day' shall mean a day other than a Saturday or Sunday or an English Bank or Statutory Public Holiday, 

(ii) No failure or delay by the Seller in exercising any of its rights under this contract shall operate as a waiver thereof 

(iii) In the event that any of these conditions shall become or shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable in any way, such invalidity or unenforceability shall in no way impair or affect any of the other conditions hereof all of which shall remain in full force and effect 

(iv) Clause headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect construction. 


All goods delivered by the company will remain the company's property until all debts owed to the company by the buyer, including any balances existing are settled 


A buyer wishing to resell KWC DVS products on the internet must sign up to the Sellers Internet Partner Agreement provided by the seller to be entitled to purchase the Products on the terms of the Conditions of Sale and to resell those Products. KWC DVS have the ultimate decision on approved resellers. 


KWC DVS products have the following warranty:

  • Stainless steel – 5 years
  • Miranit – 5 years
  • Brassware and water controls – 2 years
  • Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) urinals – 3 years
  • Hand dryers – 1-3 years depending on model

Warranty is from the date of supply by KWC DVS, against faulty workmanship in the manufacture and for products placed and used under normal conditions.

Whilst every care is taken in the creation of the price list, the price shown on the invoice is theprice to be paid.