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Management and Governance

We have a two-tier management structure: The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Franke Holding AG. The corporate strategy and goals are central responsibilities of the Board of Directors. Our Executive Board with the CEO on top is taking care of the daily operational management.

Our Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management. That includes defining the corporate strategy and goals as well as supervising and controlling the Executive Board. Its six members have various non-transferable, irrevocable duties in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations. The Board has three standing internal committees: a Finance and Audit Committee, an Information Technology and a Human Resources Committee.



Alexander Pieper

Chairman Alexander Pieper

Non-executive Director

Patrick Naef

Non-executiv Director Patrick Naef

Non-executive Director

Martin Klöti

Non-executiv Director Martin Kloeti

Non-executive Director

Michael Pieper

Non-executiv Director Michael Pieper

Non-executive Director

Dr. Michael Reinhard

Non-executiv Director Dr. Michael Reinhard

Non-executive Director

Tanja Vainio

Non-executiv Director Tanja Vainio

Our corporate governance

At Franke, adherence to high ethical standards in the conduct of our business and across our value chain is imperative. Ensuring the high quality and safety of our products is essential. Equally important is a continued focus on innovation and product development that serves our customers’ changing needs while maintaining our strong market position. Integrity, compliance, and innovation are central components of our business.

Two people walking outdoors, holding coffee cups, with a metallic sculpture and modern building in the background.


We have clear goals that support our ambition to create a sustainable world for our customers, employees and society – for today and tomorrow. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our guiding principles for achieving this endeavor.