A family of three is in a modern kitchen. The woman is slicing fruit, the boy is holding a pot, and the man is pouring something into it. A pitcher of orange juice and a bowl of apples are on the counter. Sunlight streams in, casting shadows

Residential Business

Home Solutions, 为您打造别具一格的生活空间

A family of three is in a modern kitchen. The woman is slicing fruit, the boy is holding a pot, and the man is pouring something into it. A pitcher of orange juice and a bowl of apples are on the counter. Sunlight streams in, casting shadows

Residential Business

Home Solutions, 为您打造别具一格的生活空间

Franke(弗兰卡)– 为您开启机遇之门

我们的解决方案和系统源于精密设计和瑞士精工传统 。 无论是居家环境、营业场所,还是您的个人喜好,我们皆可一一满足。

Residential Business

Home Solutions,为您打造别具一格的生活空间

Two people are standing in a kitchen, slicing vegetables on a black countertop. There are carrots, cucumbers, and pink flowers on the counter. Copper faucets are visible on the left. The scene is well-lit and modern Close-up of a modern Franke kitchen faucet in a sleek, metallic finish, with a blurred background featuring pink and white flowers in vases and a dark countertop


健康的居家环境从厨房开始。 从提升水和空气的质量,到减少食物浪费,保证健康和经久耐用是我们设计的初衷。



Commercial Business


A fast-food worker at a drive-thru window, wearing a headset and uniform, with another worker visible in the background Close up of a person's hand using a scoop to portion hot french fries
从提出构思到完成扩建,Franke(弗兰卡)专家将全程提供量身定制的指导。 凭借数十年的经验,我们的顾问将根据您的远景目标进行规划和创新,从而为您的未来创造无限商机。
Coffee Systems


A person with curly hair smiles while holding a coffee cup near their mouth. They are wearing a denim shirt and sitting in a cafe setting with blurred coffee machines in the background


Modern black Franke A1000 coffee machine with touchscreen interface and dual bean containers



希望有所作为? 我们不谋而合。 我们致力于为广大员工营造一个有利于成长和发展的环境,以共同勾勒 Franke(弗兰卡)美好的未来。