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Adaptability is part of our pioneer DNA. For more than a century, it has determined how we at Franke have seized unique opportunities to drive change. This is how we always think and develop complete systems for residential and commercial kitchens, as well as for the professional preparation of coffee one step further.

Franke metalworker manufacturing sink in the nineteenthirties

An over 100-year tradition of adaptability and innovation

Based on our enthusiasm and willingness to embrace the new combined with the proven we continually position Franke to create smart solutions and services for the world of tomorrow today.

Founded in 1911 by Hermann Franke, our company has been owner managed successfully and with foresight across four generations of entrepreneurs – making it an international player in the kitchen industry and for coffee machine solutions.

We are proud of over a century of heritage and the versatility we live. They form the basis of our innovative strength, our business success, and of meeting customer needs.

1911 – 1939

The Hermann Franke era 

A Franke apprentice at work, with foreman.
First stainless steel sink, 1934. Working on the press brake in the sink factory.

1939 – 1975

The Walter Franke era

View of a steel kitchen with a bowl of fruits on the table Kitchen in the 1950s.
Opening of the first McDonalds kitchen in Munich 1972; The Clown Ronald McDonald surrounded by Franke manager John F. Strasser and Walter Wieland Franke manager John F. Strasser and Walter Wieland at the opening at the first McDonald’s kitchen in Munich in 1972.

1975 – 1989

The Willi Pieper era 

first Franke coffee machine in 1984 The Franke TA, the first Franke coffee machine was launched on the market in 1984.

1989 – 2013

The Michael Pieper era 


Franke introduces the One Franke strategy. New central organizational structures are created and complexity in the divisions is reduced to make the company more agile. In addition, Franke sells its Water Systems business for strategic in order to focus on its Home Solutions, Foodservice Systems and Coffee Systems divisions, which are already among the top 3 players worldwide in their respective industries.

Franke consolidates its synthetic sink production and opens a state-of-the-art factory in Slovakia in 2018. In the same year, Franke acquires the US company Chain Link Services and since then also equips convenience stores.

Franke Headquarters in Aarburg, Switzerland
Franke Slovakia s.r.o. in Strečno, Slovakia


We have clear goals that support our ambition to create a sustainable world for our customers, employees and society – for today and tomorrow. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our guiding principles for achieving this endeavor.